Wednesday, February 29, 2012

pretty much a sucky day.

so much for a fun disneyland day

Monday, November 21, 2011

ran out of grace

sometimes there is just so much grace and love you can show someone. i find it extremely hard today to love two brothers. Not because they said something mean or did anything to hurt me but just their lack of responsibility and help? Man i am so pissed off right now, honestly, i have given you my most graceful self, i can no longer love you, or care for you, so dont expect me to cook each week for you because i wont.

to the first guy: seriously? did your parents raised you wrong or something because you are the most rude, and the most irresponsible person ever! we have had our fights and our disagreements, but this is pushing me too far. like really? how can you care so less about the people around. Man no wonder you have no friends, and that you are always cooped up in your room playing dumb games. Please grow up and get a life.

to the second guy: forget you. I havnt been so cold to someone today since like probably 2 years ago. You push me to my limits, and i cant keep giving you love anymore. I dont want to say this, but you freaking annoy me. LIKE ALOT! so why dont YOU also help out your friends, and be appreciative for the care you receive from others. Once you lose that chance, that friendship wont be back again.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

wanting to cry because you are sad, but not able to because of the people around you.
freak its eating me away :(

i hate living here

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sometimes its so hard to love someone and treat them with kindness when they themselves are not being loving. One of my friends keep bashing on someone close, and the way she says things are just unnecessary. I don't know if i should confront her or just let things go. I've been trying to show her grace, but sometimes she just gets on me, and I start to distant myself. I know me and her don't really click well, but I do hope that sometimes her words can be a bit harsh and unloving. I pray that although she hurts me over and over, that I can be me around her, and just to pray and ask God to bless her. It's so hard but I know that anything is possible through God.

Monday, October 3, 2011

i dont like confronting people. :(

Saturday, October 1, 2011

being someone's burden :(

Monday, September 26, 2011

torn between two worlds